- Contact Us
- HIV/AIDS 500-501, Pre-Registration
- HIV/AIDS 501 UPDATE Pre-Registration Form
- Miami-Dade Business Responds To AIDS Participant Agreement
- Miami-Dade County Electronic 1628 ADMIN and/or USER Access Request Form
- OraSure Linkage to Care Order Form
- Provider Registration Form to End the HIV Epidemic
- Rapid HCV Test Training Pre-Registration Form
- Rapid HIV Test Training Pre-Registration Form
- Request Our Services
- Submit an Event
- Long Term Survivor LTS Empowerment Team
- Test Miami Mobile
- 1st Annual Womens and Girls W.A.G. Celebrity Style Clothing Swap & Celebration
- AHF Mobile Unit
- Annual Health Fair
- Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
- Back 2 School Free Book-Bag Giveaway and Health Fair
- Brownsville Train Station-Take the train Take the Test
- Caribbean Pride: Free Food Distribution and Health Fair
- Carrfour Resident Support
- Carrfour@ Amistad
- Carrfour@ Royalton
- CHE Health & Wellness Day
- Community Health Fair
- EHE Health Fair
- Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Health Fair
- Ending the HIV Epidemic Health Fair
- Event Name: FIU Community Health Fair-In home Test Kits
- Feria de la Salud Dia Nacional Latine Para la Concientizacion del VIH/SIDA
- FIU Community Health Fair-In home Test Kits
- Free STD/HIV Testing
- Free STD/HIV Testing
- Greater than HIV - Nation Testing Day
- Greater than HIV - Nation Testing Day
- Greater than HIV - Nation Testing Day
- Haitian American Heritage Month Outreach Event
- Health Fair
- Health Fair-North Dade Library
- HIV Awareness Event
- Homeless Resource Fair
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach
- In Home Test Kits Outreach- FIU
- In Home Test Kits Outreach- FIU
- Jose Marti Park
- Juneteenth Community Health Fair
- Long Term Survivor Empowerment Team
- Long Term Survivor Empowerment Team Peer Support Group
- Long Term Survivor Peer Support Empowerment Team
- Long Term Survivor Peer Support Empowerment Team
- Long Term Survivor Peer Support Empowerment Team
- MC-Simply Healthcare
- Mesa de la Salud De Las Americas Consulate of Mexico
- Mesa de la Salud De Las Americas Consulate of Mexico
- Mesa de la Salud De Las Americas Consulate of Mexico
- National HIV Testing Day
- National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day
- National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS
- New Generation SDA Church
- PAF Community Outreach
- PAF HIV Testing
- PAF Monthly Wellness Event
- PAF Simply Yoga
- PAF Simply Yoga
- PAF Simply Zumba & HIV Testing
- PAF Simply Zumba Yoga & HIV Screening
- Passageway Mental Health Fair
- Pride Movie Night
- Rapid HIV Testing Day @ Socorro Health
- Simply Healthcare
- Simply Healthcare
- Simply Healthcare
- Spread Love, Not STI's
- Take The Train- Culmer Metro Rail Station
- Take the Train...Take the Test - Commemorating National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- Take the Train...Take the Test in Allapattah Metrorail Station
- Take the Train...Take the Test in Culmer Metrorail Station
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami @ STD West Perrine Clinic
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- Test Miami Mobile
- SURE CHECK Rapid HIV Test Logs Template
- OraQuick Hepatitis C Virus Test Logs Template
- Hepatitis C Virus Rapid Test Risk Assessment
- Counseling, Testing & Linkage ID Number Instructions
- Florida Department of Health Online Store User Tutorial
- Miami-Dade Testing Sites Linkage to Care Process
- Ryan White Program Linkage Resource Guide
- Tips for Requesting HIV Testing Supplies
- INSTI Rapid HIV Test Kits and Supplies Order Form
- INSTI Rapid HIV Test Logs Template
- OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV Test Kits Order Form
- OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV Test Logs Template
- SURE CHECK Rapid HIV Test Kits and Supplies Order Form
- Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Providers Brochure
- HIV/AIDS 500/501 Training Participant Agreement
- Test & Treat Rapid Access (TTRA) Providers Contact Information
- Ending the HIV Epidemic in Miami-Dade County Infographic
- Miami-Dade County "Getting to Zero" HIV/AIDS Report
- CDC/HSRA Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Plan
- Ending the HIV Epidemic in Miami-Dade County Jurisdictional Report
- Ending the HIV Epidemic in Miami-Dade County Report
- Routine HIV Screening Dear Colleague Letter
- Summary of CDC STI Treatment Guidelines
- Florida Confidential Report of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Flyer with information on how to get PrEP or PEP
- npep-plan-of-action.pdf
- npep-triage.pdf
- prep-plan-of-action.pdf
- prep-triage.pdf
- World AIDS Day Events
- 2023-02-15-fair-flyer.pdf
- National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS 2023 Calendar
- Translatina Support Group Event March 30th
- Woman Girls Sexual Health Event 2023.pdf
- PAF outreach
- HIP March Calendar
- Borinquen outreach calendar
- rapid-hcv-testing-program-implementation-guide.pdf
- hepatitis-c-virus-rapid-test-risk-assessment.pdf
- EHE-Infographic-English-Spanish_Lastversion-12.17.20.pdf
- Ending HIV Epidemic
- EHE-Year-2-Media-Campaign-Part-1.pptx
- EHE-Year-2-Media-Campaign-Part-2.pptx
- HIV test sites
- A PDF file listing all of the events for the WAD event period
- EHEConferenceandHealthFair2023_12.5.23Flyer2.pdf
- CTLS1628ModuleUserInstructionManualFinal11-13-23.pdf
- 2023_RapidHepCTestRiskAssessmentForm.pdf
- ScheduleofWorldAIDSDayEvents.pdf
- 2024RapidHepCTestRiskAssessmentForm.pdf
- 2024spanish_RapidHepCTestRiskAssessmentForm1.pdf
- CTLS Confirmatory Test Order Process User Instruction Manual_v1.0..pdf
- DOHP_50-10-16_Complete_20240418165209.pdf
- CTLSARF- secured SDV - 04172024_20240418165209.pdf
- Sure Check Sandra Estevez FORM 5-2024 (002).pdf
- OQ HIV Sandra Estevez FORM 5-2024 (002).pdf
- INSTI Sandra Estevez FORM 5-2024 (002).pdf